Posts by Jason Brett

Session Proposal: UX without a UX team

SESSION TITLE UX without a UX team DESCRIPTION TOWNHALL: Perhaps you’re a startup without a budget, or you are in a larger org that just hasn’t prioritized UX in the…

Session Proposal: How should Product Managers be compensated?

SESSION TITLE How should Product Managers be compensated? DESCRIPTION TOWNHALL: How do we measure and compensate Product Managers? What’s fair? How do reward/promote successful Product Managers? PRESENTER BIO Todd Olson…

Session Proposal: The Millennial Generation: WA GWAN?

SESSION TITLE The Millennial Generation: WA GWAN? DESCRIPTION TOWNHALL: Learn about who the Millennials are and how to target your products and services to these digitally connected, technologically savvy generation…

Session Proposal: Turn ideas into money

SESSION TITLE Turn ideas into money DESCRIPTION WORKSHOP: Ideation and Concept Development. Taking an idea to market. What is involved? PRESENTER BIO MK (Musaddeq Khan) is a serial entrepreneur. MK founded…