Posts by Jason Brett

What the hell is a CTO?

Job titles are miss-leading and confusing. In technology, this tension is compounded. What’s the difference between a Mid-level and Senior Engineer? How much can a code school student handle? Do…

How to market-test your product in one week!

Approaches like Lean Startup encourage Product Managers to rapidly iterate and pivot their way to a winning products. However, the details of exactly HOW to do this have been fuzzy……

Product Manager: The most social role ever

Running meetings, meeting people varying from developers and designers to marketers and customers, makes the PM role a very social one. How  we manage these social interactions and turn them…

SESSION PROPOSAL: Powerpoint Karaoke!!

For many of us presenting can be as scary as flying on a trapeze without a net…or bull riding….or shark cage diving. Sign up for powerpoint karaoke to help get…