Session Proposal: Understanding Your Customer: A Hands-on Customer Experience Discovery

Session Proposals


Understanding Your Customer: A Hands-on Customer Experience Discovery


WORKSHOP: Via an interactive experience, discover how to uncover customer wants and needs, generate potential solutions, and gather feedback on those solutions.


Erica Wingo Newcomb has over 17 years of user experience expertise, the last 12 of which have been spent in the healthcare and public health domains. As the Director of User Experience for PointClear Solutions, she leads a team of User Experience Experts, Visual Designers and Front-end Developers.

Erica has led design and development teams on an array of healthcare projects, conducted UX workshops around the Southeast and, most recently signed on as the UX Advisor to the Qualcomm XPRIZE, a $10 million price competition designed to bring healthcare to the palm of the consumer’s hand. Prior to PointClear, she led projects for Centers for Disease Control (CDC), US Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) and various dotcoms, both living and deceased.

Erica is also a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) and Business Analyst (CBA). She applies the tenants of Agile UX in her approach to projects in order to create unique and intuitive solutions. Erica holds a Master of Human-Computer Interaction from Georgia Tech, and a Bachelor of Arts from Birmingham-Southern College.



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