Product Manager or Therapist?

2022, Session Proposals

As a PM, do you ever wish you had studied psychology? Let’s talk about the personality types we’ve encountered and tactics for working together.

Presenter Bio:

Katie Salley is currently a Product Manager for CallRail. CallRail helps businesses grow by maximizing marketing impact with straightforward software. She has six years of experience herding cats as a Product Manager working at various tech companies in the Atlanta area. Coming from a startup background, she knows firsthand what it means to be a Product Manager trying their hardest to bring together a group of people and ideas into one cohesive plan.

Elizabeth Allen is recognized as a killer cross-functional collaborator and communicator skilled at connecting people to form common goals. She recently joined CallRail as a Product Manager and when she’s not there she’s probably listening to podcasts or wandering around the High. INFJ but occasionally an “E”.

Outsmart Your Cognitive Biases in Product Development
From Mistake to Learning: A PM’s Journey