How important/useful are customer journey maps?

Session Proposals

Customer journey maps are referenced frequently in marketing, product, service, and experience design. But what is a customer journey map, really? A customer journey map is a visual diagram or spreadsheet that communicates the customer’s point of view through an engagement journey with a product or experience. It usually contains customer insights and triggers along phases of the journey, as the customer moves from awareness to purchase, and perhaps beyond, into advocacy, or through a loyalty loop or subscription model, depending on the business model. In this session, I’ll present an example of a customer journey map and deconstruct the steps, insights, and structure that go into developing one. Then I’ll open the floor to a Town Hall discussion, where we can discuss whether this is a nice to have or a useful and important, or even vital, step in the development of products and experiences. What are the pros and cons of customer journey maps in different processes, like waterfall and agile? Do we need them on every project? What value do they provide? What pitfalls do they prevent? Do they save time, or ensure greater success, in the long run? The purpose is to explore share experiences and hear multiple perspectives on the topic.

Presenter Bio: Amanda Moore is a Digital Business Strategist, bringing 20 years of experience in customer-centered digital strategy, offering strategic support to Marketing, Product/Innovation and Customer Experience leadership. Providing services such as digital transformation planning, product and experience strategy, requirements development, customer insights/VoC, content strategy, and digital product/experience innovation for brands.

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