Session Propsal: Requirements Validation using Wireframes

Session Proposals

In this 30 minute workshop we will walk through feature definition, flows and wireframes for a real world native mobile application. Participants will discuss flow design, data modeling and functional requirements and will review wireframes sketches as part of validating features. Audience: Product Managers who need to clarify, refine, validate and communicate requirements as part of collaborative product teams Participants should bring a sketchpad and pens or pencils.



Karen Donoghue is a principal UX architect at HumanLogic, a strategic user experience consultancy. She is the author of Built for Use: Driving Profitability through the User Experience (McGraw-Hill) and works with her clients to design new products, improve ROI and reduce risk on design investments. A former Principal UX designer at Microsoft and a Senior UI Design Manager at Motorola, Karen earned her MS at the MIT Media Laboratory in Cambridge, MA. See for more details.

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